Today we have a few Reubens and French Dips left, Flounder, Baby Limas, Mash Potatoes and Gravy and last day for Tomato Cheddar Soup. Tonight I have 12 orders of BBQ Ribs! Yummy!


Heads up Superbowl Fans, I will be opening up for to go orders only @ 3pm till 5:30 Pizza, Spin Dip, Chicken Wings or Chicken Tenders only! Don't go hungry this Superbowl! πŸˆπŸ•πŸ‘

Heads up Superbowl Fans, I will be opening up for to go orders only @ 3pm till 5:30 Pizza, Spin Dip, Chicken Wings or Chicken Tenders only! Don... See More


French Dip Friday, Flounder, Southern Style Green Beans, White Cheddar Mac & Cheese and Tomato Cheddar SoupπŸ˜‹


Today's lineup is Reubens, Flounder, Zucchini Parmesan, White Cheddar Mac & Cheese, Tomato Cheddar Soup and Sea Scallops TonightπŸ˜‹

Today's lineup is Reubens, Flounder, Zucchini Parmesan, White Cheddar Mac & Cheese, Tomato Cheddar Soup and Sea Scallops TonightπŸ˜‹


Today for lunch time only is Authentic Mexican Chicken Chilaquiles!πŸ˜‹ Flounder, Jasmine Rice, Collards and Tomato Cheddar Soup. Fresh batch of Sea Scallops for Dinner Special!πŸ˜‹


Today for Lunch special is Fried Dill Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, Tomato and Cheddar Soup, Flounder, Jasmine Rice and Collards! Fried Oysters for Dinner Special!


Today for Lunch only we have Tomato and Cheddar Soup and Grill Cheese Combo for $13, Flounder, Pesto Parmesan Potatoes and Zucchini Parmesan. BBQ Dinner Special for tonight, comes with FF Coleslaw and Hushpuppies!


Jason's Restaurant will be open for normal business hours and will have full menu however no specials for the rest of the week. Please be very careful as there is still lots of snow and ice on the roads and parking lots.

Jason's Restaurant will be open for normal business hours and will have full menu however no specials for the rest of the week. Please be... See More


Jason's Restaurant will be closed again today due to frozen pipes, knee deep snow drifts throughout the parking lot and extremely icy roads We need a day of thawing and πŸ™ for no busted pipes!

Jason's Restaurant will be closed again today due to frozen pipes, knee deep snow drifts throughout the parking lot and extremely icy roads... See More
